Posts Tagged ‘hairstyle’

When was the last time you made a drastic change to your personal style (i.e., wardrobe, hairstyle, etc.)? What did you do? 
Submitted by miyna.

I don't know how drastic a change this is, but it sure was "fun". Here's the post about it on my main blog (mainly links to the Flickr pics that tells the story), but the real drama was on Jaiku.

What happened on Jaiku? I received lots of comments and suggestions when I mentioned about cutting my hair short, posted a pic of me in short/long styles, made an appointment with the salon, contemplated some possible styles, said goodbye to my looooong hair, sat in the salon doing the deed, and finally presented my new hairdo

Never had so much fuss over my hair! haha… although the conversation at times veered from hair to schoolgirls to metrosexuals to eyebrow extensions and back to school girls… the power of Jaiku.

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